Another glorious dawn photo (click on photo to enlarge), taken by a quiet pond up in the mountains near the home I am leaving. One nice thing about dawn is that one doesn't really know what the day holds. I'm nearing the dawn of a new phase in life.
I'm busy packing up ready to move back to Edinburgh in mid November. I might not be in blog-writing mode for a little while. I'll be concentrating on other aspects of life, right now on practical aspects - putting things in boxes, ticking off lists and saying some adieus.
It's a bit hectic but I'm really enjoying the transition, appreciating the last times here - who wouldn't with such lovely weather in such an incredibly beautiful corner of the earth?
And I'm enjoying anticipating what the future may hold in Edinburgh.
With telephone coaching there won't be much of a gap. I'll be able to take on new clients again quite soon so please do get in touch by email if you are wondering what difference your very own life coach might make, wherever in the world you live , to your life in 2008.....
I'm planning a couple of workshops back in North Wales next year, and early in the year a 'How to Lead Lively Workshops' weekend in London. (look back in this blog for mo0re about 'How to Lead Lively Workshops.' Please get in touch if the London workshop interests you as I'm busy considering dates.
And who knows what I'll get up to in Edinburgh. I know there will be plenty to point a camera at with so many parks, gardens and walks to choose from. No doubt I'll be finding exotic blooms in the Botanical Gardens even at Hogmanay, and writing about it.
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