I just loved this juxtaposition of plant 'skeleton' and snail exoskeleton and now I look at the photo, taken on a delectable is-it-autumn-or-can-it-still-be-summer morning, I like the red dock seed heads just behind and all the rich greenery in contrast behind it. Nature is magic that is always renewing itself.
I didn't give a thought to what I would write about it but I knew I would write something.
I'm thinking about the two different parts to my business, the Personal and professional coaching/workshops/workshop design side and the wellness/raw and living food side and about how they aren't really different sides at all, just me having busy interesting days.
I might be coaching someone who is going through the change from employment to self employment that has been catalysed by voluntary or involuntary redundancy, teaching people recipes for vitality, helping an executive to figure out how better to manage a team, working with people who support teenage mothers or co-designing a training or workshop for a big company or a fellow coach.
Yes, it does all fit together. It's just me facilitating positive change for people who are drawn to work with me for one or more of a variety of reasons. I have specialisms and in-depth knowledge, and I have mastered the Art of Asking Questions, the coaches craft that enables me to accompany someone who is exploring their own inner nature and creating how they will live in their personal and professional life.
I claim all that for myself and I hope you do too in the sense that you too are a specialist and a generalist and have a rich store of knowledge, skill and empathy garnered throughout your life.
It may be convenient, and frequently necessary, to label precisely what one does in the world, but the label is not the butterfly.
The challenge here is to bring one's whole self to whatever part of one's life you are engaged in at a particular time. I haven't always managed that, but when I do, joyfully and easily, life is much better for me and those around me.. Marianne Williamson wrote that lovely admonishment 'Who are you not to be (brilliant, fabulous, gorgeous, talented)' to pull us up when we are not being our whole magnificent selves.
And what does that have to do with a photo of a snail stuck on a dried head of cow parsley? I started with thinking about the two different parts of my business stuck together, but it's more just the beauty of taking in the different elements of a snapshot of nature and seeing how it all fits together. Let's do that with the different aspects of ourselves